Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sherlock Holmes


      This summer I watchet the new serie of Sherlock. First I didn't know if I would like it, but then I saw that I was wrong. I love it, it's a very nice serie of crime; it blends the classic story of Sherlock Holmes and facts of the present. I really recomend it.

     It's a British crime drama TV serie based on Sherlock Holmes stories, written by Arthur Conan Doyle. Protagonists are Benedict Cumberbatch (as Sherlock) and Martin Freeman (as Dc. John Watson).

There are tree seasons, first season was at 2010, the second at 2012, the third at 2014 and the quarter season will be on TV next year.

Like I explined before, is the history of Sherlock Holmes, with the original characters and all, but it happens nowadays. It's original and the plot is really good.

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Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes)

Sherlock Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch

Martin Freeman (Dr. John Watson) Joh Watson - Martin Freeman
Rupert Graves (D.I. Greg Lestrade)Greg Lestrade - Rupert Graves
Una Stubbs (Mrs. Hudson)Mrs Hudson - Una Stubbs
Mark Gatiss (Mycroft Holmes)Mycroft Holmes - Mark Gatiss
Andrew Scott (Jim Moriarty)Jim Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Amanda Abbington (Mary Watson)Mary Morstan - Amanda Abbington
Louise Brealey (Molly Hooper)Molly Hooper - Louise Brealey

My summer 2016

MY  SUMMER  2016

Hello everyone! This summer was very interesting for me. What about you?

First, I went one week to Posada de Valdeón (Picos de Europa). We were four families in two rural houses. We did mountain hiking every day; we visited a lot of beautiful and lovely places with a lot of flora and fauna. The weather was really crazy: sometimes it was very sunny, sometimes it was cold, we also saw rain and snow. 
What I love the most is to go to the mountain, I feel really well when I'm outside, at the country.

When we returned, we were at home the first fortnight of july, meeting friends, doing summer homeworks... And then, we went two weeks to Zahara de los Atunes, Cadiz, with some family. This year was windiest than others, but we did more funny things. we went to Gibrltar, like other years, but we also went to Tarifa and Tanger, Africa, were we saw markets, all kind of shops, the city and even we mounted on camels and brought typical deserts (that have a lot of honey). It was a unforgettable new esperience.

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The second week of august, we went five days to a summer school of canoe. This is the second year that I go there, but it's because I love it so much! It's really funny, and this year we were a lot of friends together (in total we were 11), and we made more friends there. I hope all of us can go next year.

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The rest of the month I stayed at home, finishing my summer homeworks and meeting my friends.

Before we started the school, we went four days to Tabarca, a little island where we go every year since 7 years ago. It's very funny because we go there for diving, and as it is a nature reserve, we see a lot of diferent types of fishes, sea animals and algae.

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Finally we started school on september 8th.

Thursday, July 7, 2016



       Last week, my classmates, some of my teachers and me went to Normandy, France, because of a exchange. 
First, french people came here, to Valencia, and then we went there, from 17th to 23rd of May. 

       The school where we went was called Marie-Joseph, and it was very big and had more than 950 students.

       Normandy is a really beautiful place, it has a lot of flora and nice villages.
We visited the Landing Beaches, Omaha Beach, the American Cementery and some villages called Caen, Deauville, Trouville and Honfleur, that's a sea town. I enjoyed it a lot.

       The weather was always cold and rainy, but, luckily, there were moments were it was a bit sunny. That was the worst part of the trip.

       The family was very kind and funny. My correspondent was a nice girl called Charlotte. She had a little brother called Victor and they lived with their parents in a very big house in Deauville with one dog and one cat. The mother cooked very well, and everything was delicious.
The problem was that nobody spoke Spanish or English a lot, so we had to talk all the time in French and a little bit of Spanish. It was so difficult, but in the end we learned a lot (they Spanish and me French).

       The last day, in the morning, we made a farewell, showing some videos and photos of the whole trip. They stayed at the school and we went to visit Paris before we went to the airport.

Thursday, January 7, 2016



Hi! How are you all? Did you have fun at christmas?  
I think this christmas were a bit boring for me, more than other years. I had a great time, and we went to many places (forests, cities, small towns...) but all years is the same, also, there wasn't snow anywhere, and this year was the hottest of my life. 

But it doesn't matter a lot, because I was with my little cousins in Torrelavega, and I met new friends with my older cousin in Leon. 
I had a lot of presents for christmas, the majority were books (mangas and more), table games and the PS4, with some games for it.

I spend a lot of time with my family, because I only see them once or twice at year. I told my family how was my summer holidays, the first trimester, my good marks and more... And they tell to me how were they and some funny anecdotes.

One day I liked a lot, was when I went to my uncle's veterinary clinic to castrate a little and really cute kitten of a very good friend that I have in Leon. I helped them with simple things, the operation were very well, and I enjoyed it so much because, when I grow up, I want to be a vet, so I take the opportunity to learn all I can now.

I don't have more to tell you because I do the same all years, so I hope you had fun too and you have received a lot of presents too.   :)

Leon city

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a Cantabria's forest